*you can find more information on certain ministries by cicking the hyperlink (blue title)*
What is iThirst and who is it for? iThirst is a spiritual companionship program that pairs people actively using substances or those in recovery, or their family members, with a trained, compassionate listener.
iThirst Spiritual Companions are trained individuals who are available for private, confidential and anonymous discussions intended for spiritual consolation and guidance to navigate the challenges of addiction for you or someone you love. These confidential discussions can be in person, on the phone or through video conferencing.
For more info email: [email protected]
The mission of the Eucharistic Ministers is to assist the priests of the parish with the distribution of Holy Communion at all liturgical celebrations. EMHC serve 1-2 Masses per month and training is provided in advance. For more information, contact Rich Connors at [email protected].
Lectors proclaim the Word of God during all parish Masses. With faith in God’s presence in the Scripture, Lectors use solid communication skills to effectively proclaim the Word. You can commit to read as often as you'd like. For more information, contact Lector Team Leaders: Peter Florent at [email protected] (for English Masses) or Myrna Cruz at [email protected] (for Spanish Masses).
Boys and girls may become Altar Servers to assist our priests in weekend Liturgies. This is a special way for our young people to be closely involved in the liturgical life of the parish. Altar Servers are needed to serve at 2-4 Masses per month, at a Mass time of your choosing. You do not need to be a child to be an Altar Server. For more information, please contact our Altar Server Coordinator, Olga Leon-Castro at [email protected].
The mission of this ministry is to bring Christ in the Eucharist, to those unable to attend Sunday liturgies due to illness, infirmity or advanced age. Please call the parish office or email [email protected] to join this ministry.
Often the first contact newcomers and guests have with the All Saints Parish family. We are an ongoing effort to stay connected by calling every parishioner during the year. This team requires a welcoming and helpful attitude to all who enter the doors of the church. For more information, contact our Parish Office at 978-373-7721 or [email protected]
Our goal is to bring the joy of Jesus to parishioners who are in need with their daily tasks of life. Circumstances can dictate what a person's needs are but an Angel Helper can help. Please contact Elaine A. Barker at 978-372-6544, 978-387-5742 or [email protected].
This is a New ministry that helps by writing letters and/or cards to parish families for several occasions. They can be sympathy, birthday, Get Well, Thank You or Welcome to the Parish cards or letters. You can write 1-2 cards in a week to make someone's day! If you can lead this ministry, please contact Father Chris.
Let's reduce hunger in our community by providing the less-fortunate families with pre-bagged groceries & various toiletries. We need volunteers to commit 1-3 hours a week. For more information, contact Marcella (Marcie) Boucher at [email protected].
This is a NEW ministry! Grow your own food crops at home and donate them to our Food Pantry to help feed those in need. Please contact Marcella (Marcie) Boucher at [email protected] for more details.
Stephen Ministers are specially-trained parishioners who are ready to provide emotional and spiritual care, helping their “care receiver” to get through difficult times that can include bereavement, loneliness, divorce, hospitalization, terminal illness, job loss and more. You can contact us at [email protected].
Our team aims to build up, edify and console the body of Christ. We meet weekly as a group to pray and monthly as a community. We provide an atmosphere that nurtures growth in a safe place where we can make mistakes and learn from them within our spirit-filled prayer meets. We also host weekend Healing Prayer Missions. For more information or to learn how to get involved, please contact Liz Benson at 339-227-3400 at [email protected].
All Saints Parish organization for women over the age of 18 that plans spiritual events, speakers, authors, potluck suppers, baking contests, health events and more. For more information, call Susan Schumacher at 978-372-8080 or [email protected].
This group is open to men over the age of 18 to meet on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 7:30am for prayer, faith sharing, discussions and social time. We discuss how we can be better husbands, fathers and/or Brothers in Christ, by following the model of Saint Joseph. For more information contact Deacon Peter at 978-807-0001 or [email protected].
Our parish is blessed to have a vibrant and welcoming music ministry, led by our music director, Claudia Keyian. To contact Claudia, email her at [email protected].
Our Faith Formation classes help children develop a close, personal, relationship with God and a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith. This program is responsible for sacramental preparation in all grades. Children must be registered and classes meet regularly during the school. If you would like to volunteer or register your child for the upcoming school year, please contact Julia Sullivan at [email protected]. Check out what our youth are up to at All Saints here!
We provide a place where teens have the ability to feel a connection with other teens, adults, and their faith in a safe, fun, and welcoming atmosphere. For information on our next youth night or more details, please contact our Youth Ministry Coordinator, Julia Sullivan at [email protected].
We invite all young adults, ages 18 to 35ish for monthly prayer and fellowship. For more info: Alex Carson (413) 800 - 4089
Baptism Team
New and young parents who are having their children baptized (especially their first child) need support and encouragement from other experienced parents. The experienced parents must be active at All Saints and living the Faith so that these young families will stay connected to All Saints and the Church. For more information, contact Deacon Peter at 978-807-0001 or [email protected].
Our Communications Team provides visual, audio, and creativity in sharing the word of Christ to our website, social media (Facebook & Instagram), Youtube, emails, and more. We can always use volunteers to use their time to live stream Masses, create graphic content, or has knowledge of audio and visual. Please contact Isabela Carson, our Online Communications Coordinator, at [email protected] for more information on joining the team.
A group of faithful lay people and/or priests who gather to pray weekly with Our Blessed Mother for the needs and intentions of the Priesthood and ask for new vocations. This group meets every Monday at 7pm in the Chapel. You can contact Kelly Stronach at 978-373-0679 for more information.
This devotion is powerful to help us understand that we have the power to blind Satan. Meet us the first week of the month in the Chapel. You can contact Kelly Stronach at 978-373-0679 for more details.
Let's build our All Saints Parish community, inside and outside the Parish, by planning and hosting activities. These activities help build and raise funds for our Parish and all its ministries. For more information, contact Barry Levy at [email protected].
The Giving Tree is an Advent outreach project that runs from November to December. The Giving Tree provides toys or hundreds of children in need during the Christmas Season. Its purpose is to enable everyone in the parish to share the gifts God has given them, and to assure people in need of God’s love.
Retrouvaille is a lifeline for hurting couples with struggling marriages. We offer community support for couples living in pain, misery and/or considering divorce. You can learn more at www.helpourmarriage.org. For more information, you can also contact Allison and Ted Beauparlant at 978-852-4047.