We are looking forward to meeting YOU. Come to Mass, stop by the rectory during the day, or call 978-372-7721 any time.
Our email address is [email protected].
All are welcome. Join us. Like our Facebook page and read our bulletin online, or pick up a copy at any of the church entrances.
Estamos deseando conocerte. Venga a misa, pase por la rectoría durante el día o llame al 978-372-7721 en cualquier momento.
Nuestra dirección de correo electrónico es [email protected].
Todos son bienvenidos. Únete a nosotros. Dale me gusta a nuestra página de Facebook y lee nuestro boletín en línea, o recoge una copia en cualquiera de las entradas de la iglesia.
¡Regístrese para recibir comunicaciones parroquiales a través de Flocknote!
Monday: 9:30 to 2:30
Tuesday: 9:30 to 4:00
Wednesday: 9:30 to 2:30
Thursday: 9:30 to 4:00
Closed on Fridays
120 Bellevue Avenue
Haverhill, MA 01832
Fr. Christopher Wallace - Pastor
Fr. David Pineda - Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial [email protected]
Deacon Peter Richardson - Permanent Deacon / Diácono Permanente [email protected]
Mrs. Mary Mottolo - Operations Manager/Gerente de operaciones/[email protected]
Mrs. Christy Hubbard - Administrative Assistant /Asistente Administrativa [email protected]
Ms. Claudia Keyian - Music Director/ Directora de La Música [email protected]
Mrs. Julia Sullivan Bell - Family Faith Formation Coordinator / Youth Ministry Coordinator | Coordinadora de formacíon en la fe familiar / Coordinadora del Ministerio Juvenil [email protected]
Mrs. Isabela Carson - Online Communications Coordinator
[email protected]
Mr. Louis Fogel - Maintenance / Mantenimiento
We are a single-parish collaborative. What is a single-parish collaborative? Think of it like a household. Some households consist of a large family, other households might consist of a single person. In the same way, some collaboratives have more than one parish, but some collaboratives consist of just a single parish.
To enter the Church without climbing stairs, use the ramp that leads to the side door of the church facing Blaisdell Street. When you enter this door, Our Lady’s Chapel is to your right. The entrance to the main church is to your left.
We have low-gluten hosts available for those who have a gluten allergy such as Celiac or other dietary restriction. Please see Fr. Chris or an Extraordinary Minister in the Sacristy prior to Mass. At Communion, please proceed to the Presider and inform him that you need to receive a low-gluten host.
The Pregnancy Care Center (PCC) is a crisis pregnancy center offering loving alternatives to abortion, and confidential counsel to women who are facing unplanned pregnancies. In addition, they provide sexual integrity education, post abortion counseling, and material assistance to new parents in need (baby items/food). The services are free.
Contact us at 978-372-7721
Our Sick & Homebound Ministry offers visits and brings the Eucharist to those who cannot attend Mass. If you or someone you know would like a visit from us, please call us at 978-372-7721.
CatholicTV provides a way to view the Mass each day on television or on your computer, tablet, or smart phone.
Prayer is central to our lives in so many ways. Taking the time to pray daily, and with discipline, brings deep, lasting inner peace and strength. Relax and rest in prayer, knowing that the time spent with God is time well spent.
This reading plan guides you to read the entire Bible in one year.