Receiving the Holy Spirit & His Gifts, Empowered by God
We all need the power of God’s Holy Spirit to live out our daily lives in the midst of the struggles and temptations in today’s world. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, it is impossible for us to walk a Catholic Christian life through our own efforts.
Pope John Paul II described it as “a grace directed to sanctify the Church, to renew in Her the taste for prayer, and to rediscover with the Holy Spirit the sense of thankfulness, of joyful praise, of confident intercession, and to be converted into a new fountain of evangelization.
The Seminar is an introduction to a life lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. Through a series of talks and demonstrations, worship, Scripture teachings, songs, and personal testimonies, participants explore faith topics, including the basic message of salvation, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as the potential and the power of the Holy Spirit.